Public Safety
The GLP Director of Public Safety oversees the security and safety of Association members, their guests, and their property. The Police Department, the Fire Department, and the Life Guards are the principal entities involved in this operation.
Please note: 25 mph speed limit is strictly enforcedThe Board of Directors for Groton Long Point also serves as the Traffic Authority. Under this authority, certain streets or sections of streets have been designated no parking.
For a list of No Parking Areas click here.
Parking permits are distributed by The Groton Long Point Association and are required for usage of parking areas, used to control levels of access following major storms, and provide temporary parking for special events. Parking permits can be obtained by visiting the GLPA Office. Proof of residency and car registration are required with a $5 fee for renters. Temporary permits are distributed through the GLP Police Department.
Questions? Contact Jay Washburn Director of Public Safety at