Committees & Commissions
The Groton Long Point Association Board of Directors seeks volunteers to serve on a wide variety of committees to address community issues. Appointments are also made to key positions, which advise the Board in its efforts to maintain Groton Long Point as the place we have come to know and love.
A full list of committee members can be found here. COMMITTEES & COMMISSIONS- Water Commission - The Commission has responsibility for all matters related to potable water and sewer services provided to Association members and property owners.
- Conservation Commission - The Commission recommends to the Board of Directors rules and regulations for the responsible management of land within the Conservation District.
- Planning Commission - The Commission prepares and periodically updates the Plan for Conservation and Development (PCD); recommends guidelines for use of Association land and public buildings, including construction and landscaping; reviews and comments on proposed improvements to Association property for compliance with the PCD and any master plan adopted by the Association.
- Zoning Board of Appeals - The ZBA hears and decides upon requests for variances to the Zoning Regulations and all appeals from the decisions of the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
- Bylaws Committee - The Committee has the responsibility to ensure that the Bylaws are current and responsive to the needs of the Association. The Committee considers changes suggested by the Officers, Board of Directors, and members of the Association and recommends changes to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors reports each year to the Association’s Annual Meeting any proposed changes recommended by the Board.
- Finance & Risk Management Committee - It is the responsibility of the Committee to have oversight and to counsel the Board regarding all financial, insurance and risk management matters. The Committee will review the Budget, the Financial Audit, the monthly financial statements, and the reserve accounts balances and report to the Board at least quarterly. The Committee will recommend to the Board of Directors the annual appointment of the independent auditor to review the financial records of the Association. The Committee will develop written financial policies and procedures to be approved by the Board and monitor the compliance of activities and sound internal controls over Association assets. The Committee may recommend financial alternatives, terms, and conditions to the Board. The Committee shall specify the formatting for all financial items presented at the Special Association Meeting held in May. The Committee is also responsible for reviewing all insurance coverage and risk management policies and measures necessary for the protection of the Association and providing a report to the Board of Directors each year at the January Board meeting. The Committee’s report shall include analysis of Property/Casualty Insurance, Workers’ Compensation Insurance, Employee Benefits Plans, Bonding Capability and all other risk management policies carried by the Association and risk management measures to be implemented by Board.
- Legal Advisory Committee - The Committee assists the President of the Association with interpreting and explaining legal advice obtained from outside counsel and with helping to frame issues for outside counsel, including but not limited to issues concerning Public Safety and the Police Department. The Committee does not provide legal advice.
- Nominating Committee - It is the responsibility of the Committee to propose candidates for nominees for all Association elected officers, directors, and commission members. The Nominating Committee shall also be available to the President and the Board of Directors as a resource for identifying potential Committee members. The Nominating Committee shall research and qualify all candidates as to suitability and availability to serve if elected or appointed.
- Police Committee - The Committee will act as liaison between the Board of Directors, the Police Department through the Chief and the Groton Long Point community and shall have meetings as required.
- Zoning & Ordinance Committee - The Committee has the responsibility to ensure that GLP Zoning regulations and Ordinances meet the current needs of Groton Long Point and its residents, protect property values and the quality of life that GLP residents desire, and are enforceable by the Police Department and/or other agencies of GLP. The Committee shall recommend Zoning Regulation and Ordinance changes to the Board. In the case of proposed ordinance changes, if approved by the Board, the Board shall present them to the Association members at the Annual Meeting or at a Special Meeting for adoption and subsequent enforcement. In the case of Zoning Regulations, the Board of Directors as the Zoning Commission, shall, after a duly-noticed public hearing, have final authority to approve, deny or modify.