GLP Women's Organization

The Groton Long Point Women's Organization is a diverse group of women who promote civil, social, and cultural events for the betterment of the GLP Community.  Please email about our social media or the monthly newsletter.

GLPWO Board of Directors

Elise Boccia, Co-President
Jodi Lussier, Co-President
Gina Niekrash, Treasurer
Kate Johnson, Secretary

Mel Hannigan, Director of Technology
Katy Reed, Director of Social Events

Follow us on Instagram: GLPWO and please like Groton Long Point Women's Organization on Facebook: click here!

Membership: The GLPWO is an energetic and spirited group of over 200 members. Throughout the year, members are kept current of all events and activities through emails and mailings. Members may participate on any committee.  If a member is a seasonal resident or unable to attend meetings, we communicate by monthly emailed newsletter. There are no membership requirements and a member determines her own level of involvement.  Our annual dues are $30.00.
Membership Forms:
Renewing members: click here
Brand new members: click here

Announcements for future events will be emailed to members and posted on the GLPWO bulletin board in the Casino.